Working Cocker Spaniel: Lifespan, Temperament, Colors, Weight, Pros and Cons

Alex Morgan
16 Min Read

Just imagine a dog with the playful temperament of a puppy that never appears to run out of power, combined with the athleticism of a champ runner.

That’s the Working Cocker Spaniel!

These lively puppies are a joy, but are they the right fit for your active lifestyle?

Don’t worry. This article will help you.

This guide is here to be your trusted friend in all things Working Cocker Spaniel.

We’ll answer all your questions, from how long they typically live to what fur colors they come in.

We’ll Discuss how heavy they are and if a Working Cocker Spaniel would be a great fit for you (or your walks!).

After reading, you’ll know all about this fantastic Dog breed.

Read also: 15 Key Difference Between a Show and Working Cocker Spaniel

What Is Working Cocker Spaniel? Reason Behind It’s Name.

Working Cocker Spaniel: Lifespan, Temperament, Colors, Weight, Pros and Cons

The Working Cocker Spaniel is all about action!

They come from spaniels bred in England long ago to help hunters find birds, especially Eurasian woodcocks (that’s where the “cocker” in their name comes from!).

These Spaniels were known for their tireless energy and ability to navigate dense brush.

Breeders specifically selected dog Breeds with these working traits, leading to the development of the Working Cocker Spaniel we know today.

So, the name reflects their history as energetic hunting companions!

Physical Characteristics

Working Cocker Spaniels are known for their high energy and steadiness.

Bred to be active partners in the field, their physical characteristics reflect their lively and spirited nature.


Working Cocker Spaniels are known for being happy and healthy companions.

With proper care and good nutrition, you can expect your furry friend to be by your side for 11 years or more.

Some lucky pups might even live well into their early teens! That’s a lot of time for adventures and cuddles.

Weight & height

Working Cocker Spaniels are considered medium-sized dogs, making them perfect for various living situations.

They’re smaller than they’ll take over your living room, but they’re big enough to join you on hikes, jogs, or even a fun game of fetch at the park.


Adult Working Cocker Spaniels usually stand between 15 and 17 inches (38-43 cm) tall at the shoulder. Imagine a dog that reaches up to your knee – that’s a good starting point!


Energetic working cocker spaniels are built for agility, not weightlifting.

A healthy adult working cocker spaniel typically weighs between 25 and 32 pounds (11-14.5 kg).

Males are usually slightly larger than females, but both are manageable for most active households.

Working Cocker Spaniel’s Size and Weight by Age:

AgeAverage HeightAverage Weight
1 month2-3 inches (5-7.5 cm)2-3 pounds (1-1.5 kg)
3 months5-6 inches (12.5-15 cm)12-15 pounds (5.5-7 kg)
6 months11-13 inches (28-33 cm)18-25 pounds (8-11.5 kg)
1 year (adult)15-17 inches (38-43 cm)25-32 pounds (11-14.5 kg)
This table provides averages; individual puppies may grow at slightly different rates.

Temperament: Fun, Loving, and Full of Energy!

Working Cocker Spaniels are delightful companions with vibrant personalities that match the colorful beauty of their fur.

This section will explore their temperament to determine if they align with your lifestyle.

Living Companions Who Love to Play

Prepare for a loving and attention-seeking furry companion.

The Working Cocker Spaniel is an affectionate cuddle-lover who enjoys relaxing on the couch after an adventure. It is not an aggressive dog Breed.

Despite their snuggly nature, these dogs are playful and fun-loving.

They will eagerly join you for games of fetch, walks, and even backyard squirrel chases (although supervision is recommended for the latter).

Sharp Minds and Eager Learners

Working Cocker Spaniels are intelligent and trainable because they are eager to please.

Positive reinforcement is essential when training dogs. Dogs enjoy learning new tricks and will show you lots of love and affection when they succeed.

A Nose for Adventure

Remember their history as hunting partners.

Their excellent sense of smell is still as strong as ever!

Working Cocker Spaniels are natural scent hunters.

They’ll use their strong noses to explore during walks, find hidden treats, and maybe even take you on unexpected adventures.

Keeping Up with Their Energy

Working Cocker Spaniels are energetic dogs.

To be happy and well-behaved, they need regular exercise and playtime.

If you want a dog that lounges around all day, a Working Cocker Spaniel might not be the best match for you.

They’re like furry little athletes who need to be active to use up all their energy.

Finding Their Voice

if you have a Working Cocker Spaniel, training them early to prevent excessive barking is essential.

Teaching them appropriate ways to communicate and socialize early will help ensure they don’t become overly vocal.

Training your pup will help them express themselves in a way you can understand.

Grooming Needs

Their beautiful fur needs regular care.

Brushing it often to prevent tangles and taking it to a professional groomer every few months will keep the coat healthy and easy to manage.

Be prepared for some shedding – it’s all part of the charm of owning a double-coated dog!

The Hunter Within

Dogs with a strong prey drive might chase small animals like squirrels or rabbits.

Training and keeping them on a leash, especially in areas with wildlife, is essential.

Their instincts are strong, so consistent training and leash control are necessary to keep everyone safe during walks.

A Perfect Fit for Active Owners

Working Cocker Spaniels are loving and trainable, but they need an owner to meet their exercise and training needs.

If you’re a first-time dog owner, consider adopting an older Working Cocker Spaniel with a calmer personality.

These dogs have a lot of love and joy to offer, but they require a committed owner due to their energy levels and need for training.

They might use this skill to find hidden treats or enjoy exploring during walks.

Working Cocker Spaniels are bundles of joy with prominent personalities!

Let’s see if they fit your lifestyle:

Potential Health Concerns

Working Cocker Spaniels are usually healthy dogs, but like all breeds, they can be prone to specific health issues.

Here’s a brief overview of some things to watch out for:

  • Joint Problems
  • Eye Concerns
  • Ear Infections

Joint Problems: Hip dysplasia, a malformation of the hip joint, can occur in Working Cocker Spaniels.

Struggles can identify hip dysplasia with standing up, rigidity, and a noticeable limp.

Maintaining a healthy weight and refraining from intense physical activity during a puppy’s early development can reduce the risk.

Eye Concerns: Progressive retinal atrophy (PRA) is a hereditary eye condition that may result in vision loss.

It’s crucial to have regular examinations with your vet for early identification and treatment.

Ear Infections: Those adorable, floppy ears can be a breeding ground for moisture and bacteria.

Regular cleaning and proper ventilation are crucial to preventing ear infections.

Early Detection is vital: To maintain the health of your working cocker spaniel, book routine appointments with the veterinarian.

This will detect any problems early and guarantee your beloved pet a long and joyful life.

This is a partial list. If you have concerns about your Working Cocker Spaniel’s health, constantly consult your veterinarian for professional advice.

Training Needs

Working Cocker Spaniels are eager to please and intelligent.

Positive reinforcement training methods, such as rewarding good behavior, are the most effective way to train them.

This builds trust and a strong bond between you and your dog.

Exposing your Working Cocker Spaniel to different people, animals, and environments during puppyhood is crucial.

This helps them become sufficiently adapted, confident, and less likely to develop fear-based behaviors.

Exercise Requirements

Working Cocker Spaniels are bred for work and have high energy levels.

They require daily exercise to stay happy, healthy, and well-behaved.

Aim for at least an hour of exercise a day, spread throughout the day.

These pups enjoy a variety of activities:

  • Walks and Hikes: Explore the great outdoors together!
  • Jogging: Get your heart rates up with a fun jog.
  • Fetch and Games: Engage their playful side with games of fetch or frisbee.
  • Dog Sports: Agility training or other dog sports can significantly challenge their minds and bodies.

Living Arrangements

Working Cocker Spaniels are not suited for small apartments.

They need space to move around and expend their energy. A house with a yard or access to green spaces would be ideal.

These dogs thrive in active households. A Working Cocker Spaniel might not be the best fit if your lifestyle is inactive.

They need an owner who can keep up with their energy and provide them with the stimulation they crave.

Owning a Working Cocker Spaniel: Pros and Cons

Are you thinking about welcoming a Working Cocker Spaniel into your life?

These energetic pups are bursting with personality, but are they the right match for you?

Let’s break down the pros and cons to help you decide.


  1. Loyal and loving companion: This breed is known for forming strong bonds with its owners and providing affection and loyalty.
  2. Excellent family dog (with proper training): With the right training, they can be gentle and good with children, making them a great addition to families.
  3. Enjoyable for active owners who love walks and playtime: Their high energy levels make them perfect for owners who enjoy outdoor activities and exercise.
  4. Trainable and intelligent: They are generally quick learners and respond well to training, making it easier to manage and teach new tricks.


  1. High exercise requirements (unsuitable for low-activity lifestyles): They need a lot of physical activity to stay healthy and happy, which can be demanding for less active owners.
  2. Regular grooming needed to maintain their coat: Their coat requires consistent grooming to keep it in good condition, which can be time-consuming and require effort.
  3. Potential for barking issues if not trained: They can develop a habit of excessive barking, which might be problematic.
  4. Strong prey drive can be challenging: Their instinct to chase can make it difficult to manage around smaller animals or in unfenced areas.
  5. May not be ideal for first-time dog owners: Due to their high energy and specific needs, they might be overwhelming for someone without previous dog-owning experience.


Cocker Spaniels that work are full of joy have lots of energy, and have loving hearts. They have playful personalities.

These intelligent pups are eager to please and thrive with positive reinforcement training and early socialization.

The dogs are bred explicitly for tasks and possess high levels of energy.

They require daily physical activity and play sessions to maintain happiness and good behavior.

Their trainable and intelligent nature means positive reinforcement training works wonders with these smart pups.

As loving companions, they desire attention and love spending time with their humans.

However, potential challenges include high grooming needs, barking if not adequately trained, and a strong prey drive.

This breed requires an active lifestyle, which means it is not as appropriate for households with low activity.

If you’re looking for a loving and energetic companion who will keep you active, a Working Cocker Spaniel might be your perfect match!

Their limitless enthusiasm and requirement for instruction necessitate a committed owner who can offer them the engagement they require to flourish.

With the right amount of exercise, love, and training, a Working Cocker Spaniel can be a fantastic hairy friend for years.


How big do working Cockers get?

Working Cocker Spaniels are usually medium-sized dogs. The males are larger than the females.
They can be 15-17 inches tall (38-43 cm) and weigh between 30-35 pounds (13.5-16 kg).

How long does working Cockers last?

The average lifespan of a working Cocker Spaniel is around 11-14 years. Some working Cockers may even live up to 16 years with good care.

Do cocker spaniels need another dog?

Cocker Spaniels, including working Cockers, are social creatures and can thrive in homes with other dogs.

However, having a canine companion is optional.

If you can’t provide enough exercise and mental stimulation, another dog can be a great way to keep them company.

Before getting another dog, consider your lifestyle and whether you can handle the responsibility of two dogs.

What kind of person owns a Cocker Spaniel?

Working Cocker Spaniels are a perfect match for active individuals or families who can offer abundant exercise and mental stimulation.

Those who own dogs and enjoy outdoor pursuits such as hiking, running, or engaging in dog sports are perfect for the dogs’ health and happiness.

What age do Cockers get rage syndrome?

It’s important to clarify that “cocker rage syndrome” is not a recognized medical condition.

Aggressive behavior in Cocker Spaniels can develop at any age, but it’s more likely to occur in dogs that haven’t been properly socialized or trained.

Spending time with your pet and using rewards to teach them good behavior is essential.

This can help prevent any problems from developing as they grow up.

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