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Considering a Shar Pei Dog? Pictures, Breed Info & FAQs (2024)

Considering a Shar Pei Dog in 2024? No Worries, Our reliable guide to Shar Pei dogs covers everything from their origin to how to care for them. It’s an excellent resource for dog enthusiasts and prospective owners, offering essential information and answers to frequently asked questions.

Whether you’re a seasoned Shar Pei owner or considering adoption, this guide is a practical tool that empowers you to make an informed decision about Shar Pei dogs. It equips you with all the knowledge you need to confidently take on the responsibility of owning a Shar Pei.

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Shar Pei Dog Breed Information

Shar Pei Dog Breed Information

The Shar Pei Dog, originating from China, is a medium to large-sized breed known for its distinctive appearance and independent temperament.

Renowned for its loyalty and affection towards its family, this breed sports a short, bristly, coarse coat in solid colors like black, red, cream, fawn, blue, and chocolate.

What truly sets the Shar Pei apart are its deep wrinkles and folds adorning its face and body, which add to its unique charm. Yet, these wrinkles also make it prone to skin problems, requiring regular attention to maintain health And wellness.

  • Breed Name: Shar Pei Dog
  • Origin: China
  • Size: Medium to Large
  • Temperament: Independent, loyal, and affectionate
  • Coat: Short, bristly, and coarse
  • Color: Color: Solid colors including black, red, cream, fawn, and apricot (blue and chocolate not recognized by most kennel clubs)
  • Distinctive Features: Deep wrinkles and folds on the face and body
  • Health Issues: Prone to skin problems due to their wrinkles, as well as issues like entropion (inward rolling of eyelids) and hip dysplasia
  • Lifespan: 8 to 12 years
  • Exercise Needs: Moderate exercise requirements; daily walks and playtime are sufficient
  • Grooming: Regular brushing to maintain coat health and cleanliness, attention to skin folds to prevent irritation and infection
  • Training: Requires early socialization and consistent, positive reinforcement training due to their independent nature
  • Suitable For: Experienced dog owners who can provide firm leadership and meet their grooming needs
  • Living Environment: Can adapt to various living situations but thrive best in homes with secure outdoor space
  • History: Originally bred for hunting and guarding in China, the Shar Pei nearly went extinct in the mid-20th century before being revived in the 1970s.

Shar Peis may experience entropion, hip dysplasia, and skin problems. They have a lifespan of 8 to 12 years and need moderate exercise and grooming, which involves daily walks and brushing. As they are independent, have early socialization, and are consistent, positive reinforcement training is crucial for this breed.

Experienced dog owners who can provide firm leadership and meet their grooming needs are best suited for Shar Peis. Though they can adapt to various living situations, they thrive best in homes with secure outdoor space.

Originating from China, the Shar Pei Dog was bred for hunting and guarding but faced extinction before being revived in the 1970s. Today, it is a beloved companion.

What are some characteristics of Shar Pei Dog and Pitbull mix dogs?

Combining a Shar Pei Dog and Pitbull results in a truly unique hybrid dog, blending the distinct traits of both breeds. This mix-breed dog is a fascinating blend of the typical characteristics of Shar Peis and Pitbulls, making it a breed worth exploring.


The Sharpull Terrier is a mix of Shar Pei and Pitbull. They usually inherit characteristics from both parents, such as a muscular build like a Pitbull and a shorter, stockier stature with wrinkles reminiscent of the Shar Pei.


When two dog breeds are mixed, they can inherit traits from both. For example, a Shar Pei and Pitbull mix can be loyal and loving like the Shar Pei but also have a Pitbull’s protective instincts and energy.

It is essential to socialize them from a young age so that they can become well-rounded companions.

Energy Level: 

Sharpull Terriers are energetic and playful dogs that need regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. They enjoy brisk walks, interactive play sessions, and obedience training.


When training a Shar Pei and Pitbull mix, it’s important to remember that both parent breeds are highly intelligent and stubborn.

To ensure success, it’s necessary to use patient, consistent, and positive reinforcement techniques.

Early obedience training and socialization are essential to prevent any potential behavioral issues from arising.

Grooming Needs: 

A dog’s characteristics can vary depending on which parent traits are dominant. Some dogs, like a pitbull, may have a short coat that is easy to maintain.

Others may inherit the wrinkles of the Shar Pei Dog, which require extra attention to keep their skin healthy and free of issues.

If you’re considering getting a Shar Pei and Pitbull mix, knowing they could have health problems is essential. Like any mixed breed, they could inherit health concerns from both parent breeds. 

These issues include skin problems, hip dysplasia, and certain genetic conditions common in either breed. To keep them healthy, take them to the vet regularly and address any issues immediately.

What are the unique features of a Shar Pei bear coat dog?

The Shar Pei’s longer, denser coat distinguishes it from the breed’s standard short jacket. This variation resembles the fur of a bear, hence the moniker. 

Unlike the typical short jacket, the bear coat is softer in texture and may require more frequent grooming to prevent matting and tangles. 

Despite not conforming to the breed standard, bear coat Shar Peis are cherished for their unique appearance and gentle temperament. 

They often retain the unique wrinkles and folds characteristic of the Shar Pei Dog breed, adding to their charm. 

While their coat may require extra care, bear coat Shar Peis are beloved companions for those who appreciate their individuality and affectionate nature.

Are there any specific considerations when owning a black Shar Pei dog?

Due to their coat color, owning a black Shar Pei Dog requires a few specific considerations. One crucial factor is their sensitivity to heat. Black fur tends to absorb more heat from the sun, making black Shar Peis more susceptible to overheating, particularly in warmer climates. 

To prevent them from getting too hot, they need lots of shade and cool water and should not be left in hot places for too long. Their fur might also need some extra attention compared to lighter-colored Shar Peis.

Because black fur can get dirtier and be more accessible to see, it’s a good idea to brush them often and bathe them now and then to keep their fur clean. Also, because dark fur can make them more likely to get sunburned, especially on parts with less hair like their nose and ears, it’s essential to protect them from the sun when they’re outside, maybe with sunscreen made for pets or unique clothes.

What is the average lifespan of a Shar Pei and Pitbull mix dog?

The lifespan of a Shar Pei and Pitbull mix dog is subject to varying factors, such as genetics, overall health, and lifestyle. On average, these dogs tend to live for 10 to 14 years. 

Yet, dogs can enjoy a long and healthy life as cherished companions with appropriate care, nutrition, regular exercise, and routine veterinary check-ups. 

A safe and nurturing environment will help them lead a happy and satisfying life.

Are there any health concerns specific to Shar Pei dogs?

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Shar Pei dogs are susceptible to various health concerns, some unique to the breed. One of the most notable problems is associated with their characteristic wrinkles.

These creases can make them more vulnerable to skin issues, such as pyoderma (bacterial skin infections) and dermatitis. It’s crucial to clean and maintain their folds regularly to prevent irritation and infection.

Shar Peis are prone to entropion, where the eyelids roll inward, leading to potential eye irritation and damage. Surgical correction may be necessary to alleviate discomfort and prevent vision problems. Another health concern in Shar Peis is autoimmune conditions, such as Shar Pei Dog fever and Amyloidosis. 

These conditions can cause recurrent episodes of fever, swollen joints, and abnormal protein buildup in organs. Like many medium to large breeds, Shar Peis can also develop hip dysplasia, a genetic condition affecting the hip joints. 

Due to their pendulous ears and narrow ear canals, Shar Peis are also prone to ear infections, requiring regular cleaning and inspection. While these health issues are common in the breed, not all Shar Peis will experience them, and proactive healthcare and regular veterinary check-ups are essential for monitoring and addressing potential problems.

How can I find reputable breeders for a Shar Pei and Pitbull mix?

While some breeders specialize in mixed breeds, finding a reputable breeder for a Shar Pei and Pitbull mix might be challenging. Here’s why:

Mixed Breeds are Unpredictable: 

Shar Peis and Pitbulls are two dog breeds with unique and distinct characteristics. When these two breeds are mixed, the resulting dog can have unpredictable temperaments and physical traits. It is impossible to ensure what kind of coat, size, or personality your dog will inherit from its parents.

Health Concerns: 

When Shar Peis and Pitbulls are bred together, it can sometimes increase the chances of their offspring inheriting health problems. Remember this if you’re considering getting a mixed-breed dog.

Look for a Responsible Breeder: 

If your heart is set on a puppy, look for breeders who focus on one or the other. A reputable breeder will health test their breeding stock and raise their puppies in a clean and healthy environment.

What are some common traits shared by both Shar Pei and Pitbull dogs?

Did you know that Shar Pei and Pitbull dogs have much in common despite being different breeds? It’s true! These furry pals share several traits that stand out from other breeds.

From their loyalty to their playful personalities, there’s a lot to love about these fantastic dogs. Let’s look closely at some common traits that Shar Pei and Pitbull dogs share.

Loyalty and Devotion: Both breeds are known for their unwavering loyalty and devotion to their families. They form strong bonds with their owners and thrive on companionship.

Intelligence:  Shar Peis and Pitbulls are both intelligent dogs. They can be quick learners and eager to please, making them good candidates for training.

Athleticism:  Both breeds are known for their athleticism and strength. They require regular exercise and activities that allow them to channel their energy.

Stubbornness:  While intelligent, Shar Peis and Pitbulls can also be stubborn. They require patient and consistent training to ensure good behavior.

It’s crucial to understand that while certain breeds of dogs may tend to exhibit particular traits, individual dogs’ personalities and behaviors may not always fit the mold.

Therefore, it’s essential to consider each dog’s unique disposition and upbringing when interacting with them. Here are some additional factors to keep in mind when assessing a dog’s behavior and temperament:

Temperament: Shar Peis can sometimes be aloof with strangers, while Pitbulls tend to be more outgoing. Early socialization is essential for both breeds.

Grooming Needs: Shar Peis Dog requires regular brushing and wrinkle cleaning, while Pitbulls have short coats that are relatively easy to maintain.

Are there any training tips tailored for a Shar Pei Shepherd mix dog?

Training a Shar Pei Shepherd mix, like any other mixed breed, requires understanding their unique characteristics and needs. Here are some training tips tailored for a Shar Pei Dog Shepherd mix:

Positive Reinforcement is Key:

Positive reinforcement methods are effective when training dog breeds like Sharpies or Shepherds. Reward your furry friends with treats, praise, or playtime when they obey your commands. This approach helps your dog associate training with positivity and feel encouraged to learn.

Short and Engaging Sessions:

Shar Peis can have short attention spans, and Shepherds are working dogs with lots of stamina. Keep training sessions short and engaging, around 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times daily. 

Be Patient and Consistent:

Shar Peis Dog can be stubborn, and Shepherds are intelligent but may try to outsmart you. Be patient and consistent with your commands and training techniques. Repetition is key!

Cater to Their Intelligence:

Shepherd mixes are intelligent and eager to learn. Keep them mentally stimulated with challenging tricks and activities to prevent destructive behaviors from boredom.

Socialization is Important:

Socializing Shar Peis and Shepherds early on is crucial. Expose them to different people, places, and dogs to help them adjust to new situations.

Address the Stubborn Streak:

Both dog breeds can exhibit stubborn behavior, but positive reinforcement and avoiding frustration can help. It’s important to be gentle but firm in training and to make it enjoyable for the dog. 

Harnessing Their Energy:

Shar Peis and Shepherds are high-energy breeds that need regular exercise, playtime, and mental stimulation to promote positive behavior.

Remember the Mix:

Every dog is an individual, and your Shar Pei Shepherd mix will have its unique personality. Be observant and tailor your training approach to their specific needs and temperament.


Our Shar Pei dog guide provides essential information about this unique breed’s origin, characteristics, and care requirements. Shar Peis are remarkable companions and make loyal and affectionate pets. We’ve used simple and familiar language, organized the information logically, and kept sentences short.

Our guide is a practical tool that can help you make informed decisions about adopting or caring for a Shar Pei dog. Whether you’re already an experienced owner or considering adoption, we aim to provide you with the knowledge and confidence to own a Shar Pei and help you build a fulfilling relationship with your dog.

We delved into the distinct features and critical factors of Shar Pei and Pitbull mix dogs, shedding light on their exceptional qualities and potential health issues. Knowledge about these aspects can empower potential owners to make well-informed choices about mixed-breed dogs and ensure they receive the necessary care to lead a healthy life.

Our guide aims to be a valuable resource for dog lovers seeking information about Shar Pei dogs and mixed-breed variations. By promoting responsible ownership and providing practical advice, we hope to contribute to the well-being and happiness of dogs and their human companions.

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