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6 Coloured Boston Terriers In USA (Reddit)

The Boston Terrier Dog breed has been winning hearts across the USA for generations with its adorable personality and iconic “tuxedo” coat. But did you know these lively companions come in a stunning array of colours beyond the traditional black and white Coloured Boston Terriers?

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The Boston Terrier is a cherished breed with diverse fur colours, officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

From the enchanting brindle patterns to the rich brown shades in the seal and white variation, a stunning collection of colourful Boston Terriers awaits your affection.

This article explores the unique traits of Coloured Boston Terriers. It covers different colour variations, their historical significance, and less common hues.

Whether you love Boston Terriers or are just learning about them, this guide will give you all the information you need to fully appreciate these lively dogs’ beauty and diversity.

AKC Recognized Coloured Boston Terriers

The American Kennel Club (AKC) officially recognizes three distinct Coloured Boston Terriers: black and white, brindle and white, and seal and white. Each combination contributes to the breed’s unique and charming appearance.

Black & White Coloured Boston Terriers

Black & White Coloured Boston Terriers

The iconic black and white Coloured Boston Terriers coat, a testament to the precision and artistry of nature, is Boston Terriers’ most recognizable colour combination. 

This striking pattern, which resembles a formal tuxedo, earned them the nickname “American Gentleman.” It is achieved through a specific distribution of white markings on a black base coat. Here’s a closer look: Take a peek at this!

Black Base Coat: The Boston Terrier’s primary colour should be glossy black. Ideally, this black should cover most of the body, including the back, sides, and head.

White Markings: The white markings add a touch of elegance and are essential for the breed standard. Here’s a breakdown of the ideal white markings:

  • Head: A white blaze should start between the eyes and extend to the muzzle. The blaze can be narrow or more expansive, but it shouldn’t completely cover the head.
  • Muzzle: A white band should encircle the muzzle, completely covering it.
  • Chest: A white patch should cover the chest and can extend down the underside of the body.
  • Socks: White markings resembling socks should appear on the feet. Ideally, the white should extend at least halfway up the leg.

Variations:  It’s important to note that some variations within the black-and-white Coloured Boston Terriers pattern are acceptable. These can include:

  • Brindle Flecks:  Some black Boston Terriers might have a few scattered brindle dots within the black areas. While not preferred, these minor markings don’t disqualify the dog from the breed standard.
  • Symmetrical Markings: The white markings are ideally symmetrical, but minor asymmetry is tolerated.

Understanding the ideal distribution and acceptable variations of white markings is crucial to truly appreciate the elegance and diversity of the classic black-and-white Boston Terrier.

Brindle & White Coloured Boston Terriers

The brindle & white Coloured Boston Terriers coat pattern gives Boston Terriers a distinctive and captivating look, with a reddish-brown base colour overlaid with black stripes that create a beautiful brindled effect.

This pattern has two recognized variations within the AKC breed standard: a) Black Brindle & White and b) Brindle & White. Below, we discuss both.

a) Black Brindle & White:

Black Brindle & White Coloured Boston Terriers

Picture a luxurious, velvety dark chocolate coat adorned with bold black stripes throughout, creating a stunning “black brindle” pattern that beautifully complements the white markings of the Coloured Boston Terriers.

The envisioned colour scheme incorporates a deep, wealthy chocolate brown as its base. This distinct shade exudes a profound richness reminiscent of velvety luxury.

This colour needs to be uniform and covered across most of the surface, except for any white markings present.

Prominent and well-defined black stripes define the black brindle & white variation layered upon a dark chocolate base, creating a captivating brindled effect. These stripes command attention, bringing drama and intrigue to the look.

b) Brindle & White:

Brindle & White Coloured Boston Terriers

For a lighter brindle effect, picture a reddish-brown base with less pronounced black stripes than the black brindle variation.

The foundation for the brindle & white pattern is a warm and inviting reddish-brown hue. This base colour can vary from a light, sandy brown to a more affluent, mahogany-like shade.

The base colour is reddish-brown with bold black stripes, creating a distinct brindle pattern. In comparison to the black brindle variation, these stripes are less noticeable. They are sleeker and more subtle, sometimes resembling a smoky overlay.

Visualizing the Brindle Variations:

To truly appreciate the subtle differences between black brindle & white and brindle & white, including a visual aid would be beneficial. Here are two options:

Here’s a list format table to compare the two brindle variations:


  • Black Brindle & White
  • Brindle & White

Base Color

  • Black Brindle & White: Dark Chocolate Brown
  • Brindle & White: Reddish-Brown

Black Stripes

  • Black Brindle & White: Prominent Black
  • Brindle & White: Less Pronounced Black

Overall Impression

  • Black Brindle & White: Bold, High-Contrast Brindle
  • Brindle & White: Warmer, Subdued Brindle

Seal & White Coloured Boston Terriers

Seal & White Coloured Boston Terriers

The seal and white Coloured Boston Terriers coat pattern is a captivating variation of the traditional Boston Terrier appearance. It features a rich, dark colour with red undertones and bright white markings. 

The seal colouration varies from deep, almost black shades to lighter, more reddish hues, creating a striking contrast against the white areas. Here’s a breakdown of this unique colour combination:

The Enigmatic “Seal” Color: The “seal” colour in Boston Terriers is not just a mix of brown and black; it’s a rich, dark brown base coat with a subtle sheen of black. This sheen adds depth and intrigue, making the seal colour stand out from a typical brown. 

Warmer Undertones: Compared to a proper black coat, the seal colour has a warmer undertone. This warmth adds a touch of richness and complexity to the overall appearance. Consider it a luxurious, deep brown with a hint of mahogany, creating a sophisticated and elegant look.

Visualizing Seal & White:  While words can paint a picture, a high-quality image of a seal & white Boston Terrier can bring the seal bloom’s unique depth and warmth alongside the classic white markings to life. Consider including one to enhance the reader’s understanding and appreciation.

Distinguishing Seal from Black:  Distinguishing between a seal and a black colour can be subtle, especially at first glance. Here are some key points to remember:

  • Look for variations in the undertone.
  • Observe the depth of the colour.
  • Note any presence of additional hues or shades within the fur.

These details can help accurately identify the specific colouration.

  • Black Sheen: A black sheen is a crucial indicator of the seal’s colour. Actual black coats lack this sheen and appear more solid and uniform.
  • Warmth: One key difference between seal and black is the undertone. Seal tends to have a warmer undertone, starkly contrasting the cooler, more neutral tone of black.

Genetics of Seal & White:  The precise genetic mechanism underlying seal colouration remains the subject of the ongoing investigation. Current understanding suggests that a modifier gene interacts with the black pigment gene, giving rise to the distinctive brown hue accentuated by a black sheen.

AKC Non-Recognized New Coloured Boston Terriers

Boston Terriers come in more colours than the three officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC). These non-standard colours, also known as “new Coloured Boston Terriers,” can be eye-catching but are not eligible for certain AKC events. Some of these non-standard colours include:

Blue & White Coloured Boston Terriers

Blue & White Coloured Boston Terriers

Although not officially recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), the blue-and-white coat pattern commands attention with its mesmerizing blue shade.

Envision a gentle, silvery blue enveloping the body, artfully juxtaposed by traditional white markings on the head, chest, muzzle, and paws.

This distinct Coloured Boston Terriers can vary from a subtle, frosty blue to a richer steel blue, imparting sophistication and fascination to the Boston Terrier’s appearance. Terrier.

Important Note: It’s crucial to be aware of the health concerns associated with blue coats in dogs. This blue colouration is caused by diluting the black pigment, a phenomenon known as Color Dilution Alopecia (CDA). This genetic dilution can sometimes lead to hair loss and skin problems.

Responsible Breeding Practices: When considering a blue and white Boston Terrier, it is essential to choose a responsible breeder who prioritizes the health of their dogs. Here’s what to look for:

  • Health Testing: Reputable breeders will test their breeding stock for genes associated with CDA to minimize the risk of inheriting these health issues.
  • Transparency:  Responsible breeders will be upfront about the potential health concerns associated with blue coats and prioritize the overall well-being of their dogs.

Finding a Healthy Blue & White Boston Terrier: If you’re interested in a Boston Terrier with blue and white colouring, ensure you find a breeder dedicated to ethical breeding practices and health testing. Remember, the dog’s well-being should be your top priority, regardless of coat colour.

Fawn & White Coloured Boston Terriers

Fawn & White Coloured Boston Terriers

The fawn and white coat pattern, a unique variation outside the AKC standard, is a sight. The term ‘Fawn’ encapsulates a light tan or beige colour that gives the Boston Terrier a warm and inviting appearance, setting it apart from other coat patterns. 

Imagine a soft, creamy base coat adorned with classic white head, chest, muzzle, and feet markings. 

The distinguished Coloured Boston Terriers coat can encompass a spectrum ranging from a light, almost apricot hue to a more affluent, sandy beige, bestowing a beautiful and distinctive allure to the Boston Terrier’s visage.

Disqualification in AKC Shows: It’s important to note that fawn & white Boston Terriers are currently disqualified from conformation shows held by the American Kennel Club (AKC). 

The specific reasons for this disqualification fall outside the scope of this article. However, some speculate that it might be related to maintaining breed purity and adhering to the established breed standard.

Finding a Fawn & White Boston Terrier: If you are attracted to the fawn and white colour pattern in dogs, you must seek out reputable breeders who prioritize responsible breeding practices. 

When choosing a pet, it’s essential to prioritize the dog’s health and temperament, regardless of its coat colour.

Choosing the Right Colour for Your Pet

Boston Terriers’ different coat colours are beautiful. But when choosing a Boston Terrier as a pet, it’s essential to focus on its personality and overall health.

Regardless of its coat colour, a Boston Terrier should have the friendly, playful, and intelligent nature that makes it a beloved companion.

Here are some key factors to consider beyond coat colour:

  • Temperament: Looking for a friendly and social Boston Terrier? Our ideal match is a dog comfortable around children and other pets, making them a perfect fit for families.

  • Health: Responsible breeders must prioritize genetic health testing of their breeding stock to significantly reduce the risk of inheriting specific health conditions such as deafness, eye problems, and breathing difficulties, collectively known as brachycephalic syndrome.

Finding a Reputable Breeder for Coloured Boston Terriers

When looking for a Coloured Boston Terriers, finding a reputable breeder who prioritizes their dogs’ health and happiness is essential. Here are some tips to guide you in identifying responsible breeders:

  • Look for Certifications: Reputable breeders often belong to organizations like the Boston Terrier Club of America (BTCA) or the National Boston Terrier Club (NBTC). These organizations have breeder codes of ethics that emphasize responsible breeding practices and prioritizing the health and well-being of the dogs.
  • Health Testing: Ask breeders about their health testing on their breeding stock. This should include tests for common health concerns in Boston Terriers.
  • Transparency: Responsible breeders will be open and honest about their breeding practices, the health of their dogs, and any potential challenges associated with specific coat colours (like health concerns with blue coats).
  • Meeting the Parents: You should have the opportunity to meet the parents of the puppies you’re considering. This can give you a sense of their temperament and overall health.

Resources for Finding Your Perfect Boston Terrier

Here are some resources that can help you find a reputable breeder and learn more about Boston Terriers:

When seeking a Boston Terrier, it is paramount to locate a reputable breeder who emphasizes health and temperament. This approach guarantees an affectionate, content, robust, and dependable companion, regardless of the coat colour.

Care for Coloured Boston Terriers

Boston Terriers have short, smooth coats in various colours. The good news is that regardless of the colour, their coat doesn’t require special care, making them relatively low-maintenance in grooming.

General Care: Regular grooming, including brushing once or twice a week, is essential for managing a short-haired dog’s coat. Brushing helps to eliminate loose hair and evenly distribute natural oils, promoting a healthy and lustrous coat. 

Remember to bathe your short-haired dog with a mild dog shampoo designed explicitly for its breed about once a month. This will help maintain the overall health and appearance of its coat.

Blue & White Considerations: While coat care remains the same, choosing a responsible breeder is crucial for blue and white Boston Terriers. Blue in some dogs is connected to a genetic condition called Color Dilution Alopecia (CDA), which can lead to hair loss and skin problems.

Choosing a breeder who prioritizes health testing for genes associated with CDA is crucial to minimize the risk of these problems in your blue & white Boston Terrier.

It is essential to prioritize your Boston Terrier’s overall health and well-being, regardless of coat colour. This includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and preventive veterinary care.


Coloured Boston Terriers boast various coat colours, each with unique traits and a fascinating historical significance. This diversity adds to the breed’s allure and personality, making it a captivating choice for potential dog owners and a subject of interest for Boston Terrier enthusiasts.

The text’s main points are: Boston Terriers have various colour variations, including non-standard ones like blue and white or fawn and white, in addition to the three officially recognized patterns. However, these non-standard colours may come with specific health considerations.

When selecting a Boston Terrier, it’s essential to prioritize the dog’s temperament, health, and well-being over its coat colour. Responsible breeders focus on these aspects to ensure the dogs are happy, healthy, and well-adjusted companions. Choosing a Boston Terrier from a reputable breeder allows you to enjoy the companionship of a lively, affectionate, and loyal pet, regardless of its colour.

The Boston Terrier is a beloved breed known for its delightful personality in the USA. Understanding the various colour options can enhance appreciation for the breed. Engaging with communities like Reddit’s Boston Terriers can provide additional insights and support.

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